Basketball Leben
Basketball is the way, but our goal is much bigger: We want to enable children and young people in Romania to broaden their horizons and develop freely – because the conditions under which they start life are often challenging. That is our ultimate goal.
Through basketball, education, art and culture, we want to give the younger generation of Szekler in the heart of Romania the opportunity to learn and develop social, personal as well as professional skills.
Our vision is a Romania where every person is accepted as an equal. Everyone should have the same opportunities and feel empowered to realize his or her full potential and thus contribute to the development of the community.

Our goal
We founded Basketball Leben in 2014 to strengthen the community in Bögöz, Romania – not on our own, but hand in hand with the people who call Bögöz home. To this end, we have supported the founding of a sports club for young basketball players and are planning a local sports and cultural center where children and young people can spend time and further their education. By creating opportunities in the areas of sports, education, art and culture, we want to give young people from Bögöz the chance to gain social, personal as well as professional skills – and thus encourage them to play an active role in shaping their hometown.

SOL was founded in May 2015; the founders believe that sport is the foundation for creating real and sustainable opportunities to improve lives in a meaningful way. This is where the acronym SOL comes from. The purpose of the non-profit foundation is to harness the power of sport, and soccer in particular, to help improve the prospects of disadvantaged and vulnerable young people, giving them sustainable opportunities to build good lives. The SOL Foundation aims to foster community – through a variety of initiatives, projects and programs designed to improve health, promote learning, advance equality and fight poverty.
Laureus Sport for Good currently supports more than 275 programs in over 50 countries that use the power of sport to change lives.
After Nelson Mandela spoke of sport having “the power to change the world” at the first Laureus World Sports Awards in 2000, the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation was established. Its vision is to use sport as a powerful and cost-effective tool to help children and young people overcome violence, discrimination and disadvantage in their lives.
tegration through sport – probably no other basketball club lives this motto as well as the BC Hellenen, which has been training in Munich Neuhausen since 1996. At the Hellenen, more than forty nations become one team – not only on the court, but also off it. The club’s integrative character is also reflected in its youth work: more than 200 children between the ages of seven and 18 now train at BC Hellenen, including players from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Serbia, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Germany. The future of the sport is colorful.
Basketball life has become a matter of the heart for the Hellenes. The project in Romania, which only a few members were privy to in the beginning, is now known to everyone in the club. Bags and boxes of basketball jerseys, shoes and balls are dropped off at the gym on a weekly basis. “The shoes are still great, but they’re too small for me,” Mona says as she hands the donation to her coach. Many members or parents ask how they can support. They research new foundations, donate money themselves, tell their families and friends about the project. Or they provided sleeping accommodations when the kids from Bögöz were able to visit their basketball friends in the big city of Munich in the summer of 2017 and 2022 thanks to the donations.
FC Bayern Basketball has been a cooperation partner of BC Hellenen since 2020 and has known and supported our project for some time. Calls for shoe donations, donations of jerseys and balls, free admission for our visitors from Bögöz at FCBB Bundesliga games, free guided tours for our Romanian guests through the Allianz Arena and invitations to joint online trainings during the lockdown; FC Bayern Basketball is an important supporter of our project.
We have found a strong local partner in the Iskolás Sports Club in Sepsiszentgyörgyi. We have conducted joint further training for our coaches and organized joint (sports) projects and leisure activities with different focuses. We exchange experiences and support each other where we can.