01. Spread the word.

Share our social posts or better yet, tell people about us! And best of all, tell everyone you know. Want to know what’s happening with us? Then follow us on Instagram and Facebook – or sign up for our newsletter.


02. Donate to us.

Every cent goes directly to Bögöz. And as a non-profit organization, we can even issue donation receipts. You can donate via Paypal or by direct bank transfer. There are different ways you can donate.

Learn more.


03. Donate your time.

You can write great texts, make films or want to fill our Instagram channel with content? Are you an absolute ace at finding sponsors or do you want to organize events with us? Then get in touch with us. We look forward to you and your support.

Read more.

Write to us.


04. Use Bildungsspender.

Okay, we’ll be completely honest: We try to avoid it, but even we have to store online sometimes. If you use the Bildungsspender when you do so, you can even do some good. Every online purchase generates a small donation that benefits nonprofit organizations. (Pro tip: If you’re forgetful, you can install a browser extension.

You can find out more here.